Intellectual Property

Copyright Policy:

All content, including text, images, videos, and audio, published on our website is protected by copyright laws.

Users are prohibited from reproducing, distributing, or modifying any copyrighted material without explicit permission.

Infringement notices should be reported to our designated copyright agent for prompt action.

Trademark Policy:

Our trademarks, logos, and brand names are registered and protected by trademark laws.

Unauthorized use of our trademarks is strictly prohibited.

Users must refrain from using our trademarks in any manner that could cause confusion or dilute our brand identity.

Right of Publicity Policy:

Users must respect the right of publicity of individuals depicted in any content uploaded to our platform.

Unauthorized use of an individual’s likeness for commercial purposes is prohibited.

Repeat Infringer Policy:

Users repeatedly found to be infringing upon intellectual property rights will have their accounts suspended or terminated.

We maintain a system to track and address repeat infringement instances promptly.

Brand Partner Program:

We offer a Brand Partner Program to collaborate with brands interested in promoting their products on our platform.

Brand partners must adhere to our intellectual property policies and standards.


We may offer incentives to users who report intellectual property violations, fostering a community of respect for intellectual property rights.

Report Intellectual Property Violations:

Users can easily report intellectual property violations through our designated channels.

Prompt action will be taken to investigate reported violations and take appropriate measures, including content removal and account suspension.